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Color Hue Finder



47% Cyan
53% Blue



0% grey


(0%, 20%, 44%)
(100%, 54%, 0%, 56%)




ArtyClick "Color Hue Finder"


The feature Color Hue Finder provides the hue composition of a color. It finds a color hue for the following types of input:

  • Color from an image or a photo

  • Color from a color picker

  • a Hex or RGB color code

Uploading Image

Use the button to select and load your image.

Once the image is loaded, clicking on the image areas will initiate the color name identification. Use the left mouse click to toggle between fixating and releasing the target.

Since lighting conditions strongly affect the colors in an image, it is recommended to take pictures in natural light to obtain the most representative color names.

Color Codes

The ArtyClick Color Hue Finder can be used to find color hues from the hex or RGB color codes. The following color codes are supported:

  • Hex (e.g. "#FF0000" or "#FFF")

  • RGB (e.g. "RGB(255,0,0)")

The supported RGB codes correspond to the 24-bit system where each component ranges between 0 and 255 (8-bit encoding).

Color Hue

Each color belongs to one of the 8 basic hues:

  • Red

  • Orange

  • Yellow

  • Green

  • Cyan (Turquoise, Aqua)

  • Blue

  • Purple

  • Magenta (bright pink)

More complex hues can be described as a composition of two hues (the primary and the secondary), each contributing to the color to a variable degree. The relative percentage of each hue (in the additive color space) is displayed below the color hue name; the two numbers sum up to 100%. The higher the percentage, the closer is the selected color hue to the respective basic hue.

Color Intensity

The color intensity is described using one of 7 levels (ordered from the most to the least saturated):

  • Vibrant

  • Moderate

  • Medium

  • Pastel

  • Pale

  • Almost none

  • None

The intensity is inversely proportional to the amount of grey in a color. Vibrant colors are pure and only exhibit limited amounts of grey, while pastel and pale colors are diluted with grey and are less poppy. Vibrant colors are usually used for setting accents, while pastel and pale colors often appear in the background or in unprocessed photos.

Color Names

Color names are provided by the comprehensive ArtyClick Color Dictionary with over 1,700 most common color names.