Shades of Purple Color

Shades of Purple Color

Lovely Purple

Vivid Violet

Aztec Purple

Lavender Indigo

Purple Daffodil

Easter Purple

Electric Indigo

ArtyClick Purple

Blue Violet

Bright Violet

Electric Purple

Medium Slate Blue

Purplish Blue

Purple Blue

Bluish Purple

Dark Orchid

Light Indigo

Jasmine Purple

Shades of Dark Purple Color

Kingfisher Daisy

Honey Flower

Daisy Bush

Dark Slate Blue

Blue Purple

ArtyClick Ultramarine

Violent Violet


Persian Indigo

Purple Iris

Violet Blue

Purple Heart

Dark Indigo

Cherry Pie

Blue Gem


Purple Monster

Purple Haze

Shades of Light Purple Color

Biloba Flower

Light Violet

Light Lavender


Blue Chalk

Titan White

Dull Lavender

Cold Purple

Pale Violet

Languid Lavender

Pale Lilac

Pale Lavender


Pale Purple

Bright Lavender





Purple Mimosa

Light Purple

Light Pastel Purple

Baby Purple


Shades of Dark Pastel Purple Color

Fuchsia Blue

Deep Lavender


Moody Blue

Crocus Purple

Lavender Purple

Dark Lavender


Purple Sage Bush

Deep Lilac


Dark Pastel Purple

Bleached Cedar

Butterfly Bush



Blue Marguerite

Medium Purple

Purple Color: Origin, Meaning, Application and Shades

History of Purple Color

Purple is a color that fascinates many people. It is a rare and mysterious color that has been associated with royalty, spirituality, luxury, and creativity throughout history.

The history of purple goes back to prehistoric times, when ancient humans in France used manganese and hematite powder to create a purple compound. They used this compound to draw and paint on the cave walls. These artworks date back to between 16,000 and 25,000 BC.

However, the most famous origin of purple is from the ancient Phoenicians, who lived on the coast of present-day Lebanon. They discovered that a sea snail could produce a rich purple dye from its secretions. This dye was extremely expensive and difficult to make. It was called Tyrian purple, after the city of Tyre, where it was produced. Tyrian purple was highly prized by the ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean. It was the color of royalty, power, and prestige. Only the royalty could wear purple garments. The dye was also used for ceremonial purposes.

Over time, the purple color became more accessible, as new sources of purple dye were found from plants, insects, and lichens.

In the 19th century, purple became more popular and affordable thanks to the invention of synthetic dyes. He named his dye mauveine, . Mauveine, the French word for mallow flower, was the first synthetic organic dye and it sparked a fashion craze in Europe and America.

Several decades later, a more stable and brilliant purple dye called methyl violet was discovered. This dye was used for printing, dyeing fabrics, and coloring food and cosmetics.

Today, purple is one of the most widely used colors in various fields and industries. It is also one of the most popular colors among consumers, especially among women and young people.

Meaning of Purple Color

Purple is a combination of blue and red. This makes purple a complex and intriguing color that can evoke different feelings and associations depending on its shade and context. Some of the common meanings of purple are:

  • Royalty, luxury, nobility, power, and ambition. Purple is often associated with these concepts because of its historical connection to the elite and influential people who wore it.

  • Creativity, extravagance, dignity, grandeur, mystery, and magic. Purple is also associated with these concepts because of its rarity in nature and its ability to stimulate imagination and spirituality.

  • Femininity, seduction, romance, intimacy, and sensuality. Shades of light purple with a high content of red are often associated with these concepts due to theie similarity to pink.

Applications of Purple Color

Purple is a versatile color that can be used for various purposes and effects. Some of the common applications of purple are:

  • Art and design: purple can be used to create striking contrasts, harmonious blends, or dramatic accents in artworks and designs. Purple can also convey different moods and messages depending on its tone and saturation.

  • Fashion and beauty: purple can be worn to express individuality, elegance, or sophistication. Purple can also enhance different skin tones and eye colors depending on its hue and brightness.

  • Marketing and branding: Purple can be used to attract attention, create distinction, or evoke emotions in marketing and branding campaigns. Purple can also communicate different values and qualities depending on its shade and context.

Purple Color in Combination with other Colors

Purple can be combined with other colors to create different effects and impressions. Some of the common combinations of purple are:

  • Purple and white: this combination creates a clean, fresh, and elegant look. It can also suggest purity, innocence, or spirituality.

  • Purple and black: this combination creates a dark, mysterious, and sophisticated look. It can also suggest power, mystery, or luxury.

  • Purple and yellow: this combination creates a bright, cheerful, and lively look. It can also suggest happiness, optimism, or creativity.

  • Purple and green: this combination creates a balanced, harmonious, and natural look. It can also suggest growth, harmony, or healing.

  • Purple and blue: this combination creates a cool, calm, and soothing look. It can also suggest tranquility, peace, or wisdom.

  • Purple and red: this combination creates a passionate, and dynamic look. It can also suggest love, energy, or excitement.

Shades of Purple Color

There are many shades of purple that can suit different purposes and preferences. Here are some examples of purple color shades and their names:

  • Vivid violet: a bright and intense purple that can stimulate the senses and inspire artistic expression. It can also evoke feelings of passion, romance, and sensuality. Vivid violet is a color that attracts attention and stands out from the crowd.

  • Jasmin purple: a soft and delicate purple that can create a soothing and relaxing atmosphere. It can also represent elegance, grace, and femininity. Jasmin purple is a color that invites calmness and harmony.

  • Persian indigo: a deep and dark purple that can convey a sense of mystery, power, and sophistication. It can also suggest spirituality, intuition, and depth. Persian indigo is a color that commands respect and authority.

  • Purple haze: a smoky and hazy purple that can evoke a feeling of nostalgia, dreaminess, and melancholy.

  • Fog: This is a pale and grayish purple that can create a sense of uncertainty, ambiguity, and confusion. It can also imply detachment, neutrality, and compromise. Fog is a color that obscures the reality and challenges the perception.

  • Lavender: This is a light and gentle purple that can induce a feeling of peace, serenity, and tranquility. It can also express romance, tenderness, and affection. Lavender is a color that soothes the soul and heals the heart.

  • Light purple: This is a cheerful and playful purple that can inspire optimism, joy, and enthusiasm. It can also communicate fun, humor, and spontaneity. Light purple is a color that brightens the mood and lifts the spirit.

  • Iris: This is a rich and vibrant purple that can represent royalty, nobility, and luxury. It can also signify wisdom, dignity, and leadership.

  • Dark lavender: This is a muted and subdued purple that can create a sense of elegance, sophistication, and refinement. It can also indicate maturity, experience, and professionalism. Dark lavender is a color that exudes confidence and competence.

On this page you find a wide range of purple swatches, from light to dark, warm to cool, and everything in between. Explore the variety of purple shades and find your perfect candidates.